Not only audited financial statements are used by the different external users. Often clients which are not required to audit its financial statements may need financial statements certified by a CPA for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t matter whether it is to obtain financing or comply with local agencies we provide Compilations and Review services. We also assist in the compilation of forecasted and/or projected financial statements.

Compilation and Review Services
Compilation and review services are two different types of reports we issue on financial statements. These, although less in scope than an audit, are widely used by external users. Also, since our involvement and the degree of our responsibility is less, their cost is also less.
In review services, the scope of our work is less than what it is in an audit. However, we perform some procedures which enable us to express a “negative assurance” opinion.
In compilation services we are limited to putting together in the form of financial statements the information provided by the client. This information is not subject to any audit procedure and therefore, we express no opinion in our report.